
10 Things You Should Ask Your Prospective Contractor

Have you ever been told to jot down questions before a doctor’s visit? You should consider doing the same before you hire a contractor. Nobody likes unwanted surprises and asking informed questions will help you avoid those, and give you a better understanding about how your prospective contractor works. You can determine if you will feel comfortable with this person. Here are some important questions you should ask before you start any renovation
or build.

Are you insured?

Yep, that’s a big one, and you should certainly make sure that anyone who is about to step foot on your property is insured! You do not want to be responsible for an injured worker’s medical bills. Tandem Contracting exceeds New Jersey requirements with their 3 million dollars in liability insurance.

Are you local and do you have clients in this area?

There are benefits to hiring a local contracting company. They will be able to get your work done faster. Because of their ties to the community, they can easily find another contractor to help with services they might not be able to provide. This saves you time and money. Emergency Service is another benefit. If something goes wrong with your project, chances are that your local contractor will arrive long before you hear back from a national company. When a company is local it is also easier to see their previous work.

Do you have a portfolio?

Contractors should offer you every opportunity to see their work. A portfolio and having the go- ahead to visit a current job site, can give you a bird’s-eye view of how your prospective contractor handles and stages a project.

Do you have references?

References can reveal how your prospective contractor will work with you while showing you their results. You can ask previous clients questions such as, did the contractor communicate well, did they respect you and your home, and was the job kept on schedule? Hearing another’s experience can make you feel at ease and more confident as you hire your contractor.

Why did they choose to be a contractor?

Finding out the “why” of the contractor you are about to hire is important. Let’s face it. This person is going to be in your house 6 or 7 hours a day. Hiring a person who feels passionate about the work they do is much better than hiring someone who no longer enjoys the work, is unhappy or uninspired. Who do you think is going to do a better job for you?

How long have you been working in this industry?

While more work experience doesn’t always mean better service and quality work, a contractor who has years of experience is more likely to have a proven track record and expert resources that will ensure a quality job.

What is a typical timeline for a project like mine?

Your contractor should be able to give you a construction timeline. However unexpected problems can arise. If they do, you should expect that a new timeline will be explained to you asap!

Who has to handle the permits and inspections?

“The contractor” is the answer you want to hear. The laws regarding who pulls permits on a project vary by state and even by the city you live in. However, it is always better for your contractor to pull permits and set-up inspections because they know what needs to be done.

Who is the on-site project manager?

You should have the name of the person who will be in your home on a daily basis. You will need to know who to call in case things are not going as planned. You need someone tracking the job’s progress.

Will you provide daily updates?

You need to make sure that attention is being paid to your project. If your contractor is giving you daily updates, then you can be sure that work is being done. Communication is the key to ensuring the success of a job.

Tandem Contracting prides itself in answering all of these questions and many more. We realize how important it is to keep an open line of communication through all stages of your project. This is the best way to ensure that you are a happy customer.

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